Post #7 - Tech Topic Connection


My chosen topic to learn more about is programming languages.  Programming connects to the fundamentals of IT simply because information technology is built off the idea of programming languages and how they allow us to build hardware and software to make our lives easier.  Through programming we can create programs that allow us to create large volumes of text without having to write it down on paper or another medium which can be ruined if there is a mistake.  It allows us to gain access information through webpages that are programmed to be easy to use and link to databases all over the world.  Without the growth of programming languages, the age of computers would never have been able to progress as far as it has and our ability to share information would be much more limited than it currently is.


Programming languages are at the forefront of computer design and function.  The first computers that were built required something to tell it what to do and how to do it.   The person that was credited with creating the first programming language called the Algorithm for the Analytical Engine was Ada Lovelace ( (2020)).  She was assisting another inventor named Charles Babbage who designed the analytical engine to compute numbers.  Ada Lovelace recognized that the Analytical Engine had the potential to do other tasks if the numbers could be used to represent other functions ( (2020)).  Because of this basic programming we have been able to expand our programming languages to control how the hardware in electronics function and how the software that is used in any electronic device that you can interact with functions.


There are so many different types of programming languages that allow us to interact with computers in different ways.  Languages such as Python, C, C++, C#, Java, Java Script, etc… give programmers different options and sequences to use to achieve their desired goal when trying to program how a piece of hardware or how a specific software application will act.  In programming there is a specific type of programming known as visual programming languages that allow a programmer to create a program through a visual representation that utilizes the text-based languages on the back end.  This type of programming is generally used to teach new programmers how to program and create an entry point into the more complex text-based programming options.  But as computers have started moving into just about every job field in the world it is becoming more important to make programming more user friendly.  There is a case study that was conducted in the industrial sector around programming with robotics to allow someone with little to no programming to create a program that would allow a robot to perform a task and then be re-assigned to a new task (Mayr-Dornn, C. Winterer, M. Salomon, C. Hohensinger, D. Ramler, R (June 2021)).  Through the study the testers imported a complex robotics language known as EPL source program and import it into the Block language Blockly.  This allowed them to determine if a simple block language would be able to support a complex language.  The test was successful showing that someone with little or no experience would be able to create a complex task for an industrial robot (Mayr-Dornn, C. Winterer, M. Salomon, C. Hohensinger, D. Ramler, R (June 2021)).  


Data bases can be extremely useful for storing and organizing large quantities of data or a real time consumer if the proper programming cannot be used.  Having been in the IT field for quite a while this is something, I have been able to interact with quite a bit.  I have had to go through a database and add in large amounts of data one at a time because of the inability to create code to automate the task.  I have had the opportunity to create code to import the data instead as well.   Being able to write a program to import data into the appropriate tables and link the unique keys creates a system that allows you to easily find the data you are looking for and associate it with other information you may need.  Having to do this kind of task manually makes you wonder why you are using a computer at all since it seems just as time consuming as searching through a book line by line.


The last concept to consider with computer programming is the security aspect.  Through proper programming you can configure switches, routers, proxy servers, and other network equipment to control the flow of data within an environment in order to protect it from potentially harmful data or unwanted user access.   Being able to keep people from getting into a network is probably the most important aspect of cyber security.  Even if they have the password to important data if they cannot get to the data to use the password then it is still safe.  Within a business environment this kind of protection is created through unique user credentials and restricting how people are able to access certain areas within the network as well as blocking access to specific high-risk areas from outside of the organization’s intranet.  Simple security measure like this can be the difference between someone being able to launch an attack and them being blocked from even trying.



-          Mayr-Dornn, C. Winterer, M. Salomon, C. Hohensinger, D. Ramler, R (June 2021)).  Considerations for using Block-Based Languages for Industrial Robot Programming – a Case Study, 2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE), pp. 5-12.

- (2020), A History of Computer Programming Languages,
