CPT 307: Week 1 - Interactive Assignment 2


                    ( 4 Tips to effectively understand Java programming language [JPEG] (26 Aug, 2020))

Hello All,


For this assignment we are looking to set up a Java IDE (integrated development environment) that we will be using for the remainder of the class.  I have found that there are two IDE’s that I like to use when I am looking for a development environment.


The first Java IDE and the one I am going to be doing all my assignments on is Eclipse.  Eclipse is a free open-source environment you can download from https://www.eclipse.org/ide/. I have used Eclipse in the past for other projects and I find that it is relatively easy to use, light weight, and installs quickly.  There are many different add on you can install for eclipse to further personalize it or provide tools to assist in projects.  It is also nice because it come with the most basic beginner programming guide for creating the famous Hello World! Program to let people get a feel for how easy programming can be.


The second Java IDE I looked at and have on all my computers both at home and at work is Notepad++.  I did not choose to use Notepad++ for this project because it is not specifically designed for Java but is able to perform any coding you want in the java language and provide a debugger.   The nice thing about Notepad++ though is that it can provide options for many other languages as well, so it is more of a universal program. You can get Notepad++ from https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/.

When it comes to object oriented programming there are a few important concepts to keep in mind.  The six parts of an object oriented programming system are encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, class, and object.  Object is any entity that has state and behavior, this would be something that you can assign a value to that object, in the real world this would be something like a dog since it can have color, breed, size, weight (JavaPoint.com (2021)).  Class is a collection of objects,  its more like a blueprint for similar objects to use so they don't have to be recreated individually (JavaPoint.com (2021)).  Inheritance is where an object acquires all the properties and behaviors of its parent object (JavaPoint.com (2021)). Polymorphism is when a single task is completed in multiple ways (JavaPoint.com (2021)).  Abstraction is when the internal workings are hidden and just the interaction is shown (JavaPoint.com (2021)).  This would be like using the windows operating system without seeing all the different commands that are being send to the computer hardware to keep it functioning.  Encapsulation is the process of binding code and data together so that it is a single package (JavaPoint.com (2021)).  


- 4 Tips to effectively understand Java programming language [JPEG] (26 Aug, 2020), https://content.techgig.com/4-tips-to-effectively-understand-java-programming-language/articleshow/77766881.cms 

- JavaPoint.com (2021), Java OOPs Concepts, https://www.javatpoint.com/java-oops-concepts 
